Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Wrap Up.

Just one more batch of Christmas photos to share!

Ellie and her new Legos, snow, "melted snowmen," Ellie and Mommy, "reinbeers," Santa's helper, Ellie and her beloved toast, and more snow.

Peppermint bark (instructions below), gifts from the grandparents, dipped pretzels, my little elf, Matt helping with cookies, and cake pops.

Here's to an amazing 2013!

Peppermint bark:

You need: 

Wax paper
Chocolate chips
White chocolate chips
Peppermints or Candy Canes

1. Line a cookie sheet or just a good chunk of counter space with wax paper.
2. Melt the chocolate (Microwave for 1 min on low-power, then stir, and keep going for 1 min to 30 sec increments and stirring until smooth.)
3. Pour chocolate onto wax paper and smooth with a spatula.
4. While it cools, crush your peppermints or candy canes in a freezer bag with a rolling pin.  
5. Once chocolate is cool (room temperature yields prettier results), repeat melting with white chocolate chips, then add white chocolate layer.
6. While still melted, sprinkle on crushed peppermints.
7. Cool/cut or break into pieces/enjoy.

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