Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our Christmas in Photos.

I hope you had a delightful Christmas!  Here's our Pre-Christmas festivities.

No idea what this is about, but hilarious.

Ellie and Grammy.

The girls.

We told Ellie to smile.  She stuck her finger up her nose.  Real cute.

At the Botanical Gardens to see the trains and fairy garden.

Waiting in line.

Fairies live here!

Thomas.  (I think.  Ellie doesn't watch Thomas so I don't really know my trains.)

Another Fairy House.

All made of plant material - lots of fairy tales were on display!

I loved these living ornaments.

And...  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!  We spent Christmas Eve at the church Children's Pageant and having dinner with friends, and on Christmas we opened gifts, took walks, and ate a big meal together as a family.

She's eyeing his present.

Santa brought a bed for "baby" and zoo Legos.

Turkey Bacon - YUM!

Reading about Frosty.

Examining the artwork she created on her new easel. 

We walked down to a local coffee shop.  Ellie slept.

I hope your day was merry and bright!
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  1. What a lovely Christmas! We have the same Frosty book - and it's great, because now I know all the words. :)

  2. Ok. The first and last pictures of Ellie are simply ADORABLE!!!!!!

  3. I really enjoyed all the photos! Happy holidays!!


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