Our Story.

Sharing our story on this blog started with my daughter's prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, a heart defect, and duodenal atresia.  You can check out the story of Ellie's prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis, the posts surrounding her open heart surgery for a complete AV canal defect, and our birth story right here.

But our story is bigger than Down syndrome and getting bigger than just Ellie.

I'm mommy to two little girls.  I'm a wife to Matt, who you'll meet on this blog.  I'm a National Board Certified Exceptional Needs teacher.  I'm a photographer.  I'm a runner.  I'm a volunteer with our Down syndrome group and our church.  I'm a fan of Macs, coffee, young adult and children's books, Harry Potter, Nikon, and the beach.  Ellie is a gymnast, a Sunday school attendee, a student, and a lot of trouble.  Caroline is a baby.

We are a family, and one of our family members has Down syndrome.

This blog used to be about Down syndrome.  Now it's just about our lives.  Welcome.  I'm glad you're here.

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