Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wrapping Up October: Thankful Gnome.

My last few 31 for 21 Down Syndrome Awareness entries were weak, I'll admit.  A bad race, a hurricane, a bored toddler, and watching the news seemed to suck the life out of my blog posts.  At least I took some Halloween photos, but of course, I'm sharing them today, after October is over.

Signing "apple."  Nope, pumpkin.

Gnome!  In a gnome hat!

No more hat, and thanks to Tim for snapping the photo!

Like many of the mamas who blog in the Down syndrome community, I wonder about the point of 31 for 21.  Many of you reading have your own child with Down syndrome.  You are more "aware" than you ever dreamed.

For me, this year's 31 for 21 has been about sharing our journey, not only for new parents, but for the parents of typical kids who wonder what the heck our life is like with a non-toddling toddler who has an extra chromosome, takes a long time to learn new skills, who makes us laugh, and who has made me cry with joy and fear many, many times in her short life.  (There's readers out there who aren't my family and who don't have a kid with Down syndrome, right?)

Cupcakes, angry gnome, owl.

Ellie was ready to go get that cupcake!

Down Syndrome Awareness Month is over, and November is somehow here.  I'm still very much "aware" of Down syndrome.  Ellie's extra chromosome comes with some quirks that don't require a month of blogging for me to consider.  On the whole, however, at the start of November, I feel thankful.  Thankful for friends.  Thankful for our little munchkin.  Thankful for our neighborhood at Halloween, full of little kids in cute costumes.

I won't be blogging every day in November, but when I write, I'll be focusing on the things for which I am grateful.

At this moment, the list includes:
Baby Signing Time as a cure for the grumpies.
Sweet family members who help us celebrate holidays, even from far away.
Coffee with eggnog flavored soy milk.
The sheer entertainment of watching Ellie attempt to bust through a baby gate.

What makes you give thanks?
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  1. I'll just open by saying 'sorry, I too have a kid with an extra chromosome but I'm sure there are plenty readers out there who don't'. And then I'll move onto the main thing...

    I'm so thankful that you have brought to my attention this wonder that is eggnog flavored soy milk.

    (I swear to you I'm not intentionally making light, it's just that we've relocated to the US and I'm still blind to a lot of stuff now available to me and now I'm just so incredibly delighted about this that I actually had to come from Google Reader and tell you how you made my day. And I also swear I'm way more normal than this comment. Totally).

    Thank you :-)

  2. I am a regular reader and I'm not a family member, nor do I have a child with Down Syndrome. So yes, you've got readers that fall into that category! :)

  3. Love the gnome costume! And you for blogging about every aspect of life with Ellie; that in itself is what awareness is.


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