Monday, September 19, 2011

She's Baaaacccck, Plus a {Giveaway}.

Ellie appears to be recovered.

(Just chillin.)

Rolling?  Check.

Impossible to leave alone for more than 4.3 seconds?  Check.

(I love Hippos Go Berserk!)

Insists on "feeding" herself baby food?  Check.

Ellie is basically back to her normal self.  She's been exploring everything she can get her paws on, and is in love with any toy with lights and sound.  Her improved fine motor skills are awesome, but that means everything goes into her mouth. 

She is being somewhat willful, of course.  On an early morning, somewhat chilly run, I bundled Ellie in a blanket, because I don't want my baby to freeze.  But my baby wants to freeze, so she kept picking up the blanket and moving it down.  I'd re-bundle.  Ellie would un-bundle.  (One guess who won that battle.)  She may be forced into a baby hoodie for our next run.


Which brings us to our giveaway.  I normally wear a hat in the summer for runs, but on cloudy days, I just need something to keep my hair out of my eyes.  I need to decide if I'm growing my hair long or chopping it back off.  Meanwhile, my hair is at that awkward not-quite-ponytail stage.  Enter, new TAM headband.

It worked well and didn't slide back, although I would have needed some sunglasses if the sky was brighter. The headband EXACTLY matches the green sports bra I plan to wear for Marine Corps, so I might rock a super coordinated look.  Plus, I'll be easy easier to spot in the crowd of 30,000 runners.

(I need to stop taking photos in my bathroom mirror.  At least you can tell that the headband is cute.)
 It's reversible, so if I get bored with green, I can flip to yellow. 

One random commenter will win a TAM headband.  If you want to order a custom headband, they're only $8 and $2 shipping in the US.  They're made by a runner, who also happens to be a teacher, and designed not to fall off the back of your head and be left behind.  You get to pick your colors, and they're made from running t-shirt fabric.  You just need to email Terry.

Entries will close at 5 pm (Eastern Time) on September 22.  I'll pick the winner that evening via and announce on this blog (and email if you leave your email).  You'll have 48 hours to get in touch with me, and Terry will send your headband along.  Shipping to US only.

* Disclaimer: I received a free headband, but my opinions are entirely my own. 
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  1. Yay Ellie is recovered!!! I really wanna see videos of her!!!!! You must not have gotten the memo from my video post a few days ago!

  2. Ellie is so precious <3 Glad to hear she's doing well :) We love hippos go berserk too!! I so appreciate all your comments on my blog! I need to be a better comment leaver! :)

  3. Love your blog and your pictures! Ellie is such a doll. You are blessed!

  4. Great job on the recovery!!! Time to baby-proof the house!

  5. Glad Ellie is doing wonderfully! You are rocking that headband!

  6. Ellie is beautiful!! Also, I love her name - classic. :)

  7. Wow, that little girl most certainly IS recovered! And very nicely, at that. Amazing, isn't it? I think if I had OHS, I'd be a long-term basket case.

    Love the headband! Maybe that would motivate me to run more...LOL Count me in!

  8. Hippos going beserk sounds dangerous. Love the headband. I recently did my yearly haircut and chopped it all off and really wish it would fit into a ponytail to keep it off my face while we're moving.

  9. Headband is very cute. Not as cute as Ellie, but it's quite adorable.

  10. Your little Ellie is a doll-baby! New follower here, so looking forward to reading more!


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