Monday, September 19, 2011

I Heart Faces - A Touch of Sun.

This photo is from a couple weeks ago, because the sun has been hiding the past few days. 

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  1. I am not sure my last comment went thru so I will try I have so enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your precious daughter. She is just adorable. Thank you for sharing your life with me. I to have a Downs daughter, she is 6 years old and just started first grade. They truly are a blessing. I am thankful for everyday I get to spend with her.

  2. What a little cutie! I love the sun back-lighting her hair!

  3. Such a sweet pic. Love how the light illuminates baby's hair!

  4. What a cutie!! Love that fuzzy hair! I found you through I Heart Faces, but also have an 11 year old with Down syndrome. Nice to "meet" you. :)

  5. She looks like she's wearing a halo!

  6. I agree, she looks like an angel with a halo. Nice hairlight!

  7. It does look like a halo! Love it! I admire your ability to photo faces! I am much better with scenic photos!

  8. The sun hitting her hair gives the illusion of a halo. Genius!! Enjoy reading about your daughter. Have my extra chromosone friend today. :-)

  9. Wooowee, love that HAIR!!

    Btw, Grandma Sally's a trip!!!

  10. Okay, I'm TOTALLY digging the hairstyle...

  11. I love how the sunlight illuminates her spikey hair! I hope the sun comes out for you soon.

  12. What a cute headband....ane even cuter baby!!


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