Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wanna-Be Who.

 I love the book The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  Ellie is working on her Cindy Lou Who look today.

(Hahaha, this ponytail is funny!)

That's not the only new look Ellie is rocking.  I've previously mentioned Matt's desire to dress Ellie up like a gnome.  I've argued against this idea repeatedly, but today, I gave in.  This outfit might not fit until Halloween 2014, but look what I bought at Target today:

(I am choosing to believe this is money well spent.)

We spent most of our morning running errands, but got to work on sitting skills when we returned home.  Ellie is so close to sitting independently, and so very determined. 

(A back view of the bald spot, rat tail, and ponytail.  A benefit of a sitting baby.)

(So stinkin' close.)

Just a normal, rainy day around here.  And of course, as soon as I typed that, the sun came streaming through the windows.  Ellie's eyes are a bit sensitive to light due to her eye appointment this morning, but I'm happy to report that Ellie does not need glasses at this point.  I don't really care whether or not she needs them, but the idea of trying to keep glasses on her face and out of her mouth seems somewhat impossible. 

(Why can't I get some glasses to eat?)

Don't forget to enter the giveaway, which closes tomorrow!

PS. Did you notice the new Shabby Apple banner?  I'm not normally one to agree to any advertising offer that comes into my inbox, but this one is kind of special.  The day I was induced (the day before Ellie arrived) I won a Shabby Apple baby dress from Kelle.  Of course, I have to wait until Ellie is bigger for her to model it, but their stuff is cute and worth sharing with you.
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  1. Ellie is beautiful as always! Lovin' the Cindy Lou do. From the back her and my Jalanea look a like except Jalanea doesn't have that much hair. :0(

  2. Love all of the pictures of Ellie. That gnome costume is totally worth it, it will be adorable!

  3. Okay, that costume is freaking adorable! Love it! And I love the Cindy Lou look, too. So sweet!

  4. She is too cute love the pictures. I do like the gnome costume.

  5. Love the hair!!! I wanted my son to go as the gnome a couple of years ago and our neighbor's daughter as the little girl. I have been itching to buy the girl gnome for Hailey...guess I'll be holding onto it until she is walking :-) Love it!!!


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