Monday, March 2, 2015

Everyday Life.

It's another snow day today, or rather, an ice day.  The sidewalks looked a bit like a skating rink this morning, so Ellie and I are curled up inside.

We are still in jammies, and Ellie has read "Going on a Bear Hunt," "Green Eggs and Ham," and "Sweet Dreams, Curious George" about eight billion times each.  It's a slow moving morning.

I love the break in routine we've had the past few weeks, with our slow start to winter and snow days.  (And now that it's March, the weather could warm up at any time and make me happy!)

Linked up at I Heart Faces.

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  1. This picture is darling! I love it. What a sweet little face. YAY for snow and ice days! Will you have to make them up at the end of the year? That is the only thing I am a wee bit worried about.

    1. It's only our third snow day, so no worries about make up days here!

  2. Your morning routine sounds like ours at my home :) Beautiful capture!


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