Sunday, March 1, 2015


I asked Ellie if we could go outside so I could take her picture.

"No.  I take a selfie.  Inside."

Nikon D3100, 50mm, f1.8, 1/200, ISO 800
Ellie (and of course, George) insisted on taking my photo rather than let me take theirs.  I asked Ellie if she'd stand by the window.  No.  I asked if she would move from her spot on the couch so her face would be lit more evenly.  No.  But she did yell, "SELFIE!" and "CHEESE!"  Consider this a very real slice of the everyday.

My new camera is ordered, so next week, you should be seeing shots from a D610 instead.  I cannot wait!

Linked up at Practising Simplicity, for the weekly portrait of my daughter.
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  1. I love her sense of humor and imagination! Such a fun age. :)

  2. One word "Adorable"... exciting getting a new camera too. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane


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