Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Guest Blogging Today...

“Ellie, there’s no Kids Church today, so you’ll be in big church.”
“No, I want kid church.”
“Kids Church starts again next week.”
“No.  Just the kids!”

And so goes the conversation with my daughter.  Ellie is three and a half.  Although she’s never been one for routines in the realm of naptime and she’s a delightfully flexible traveler, changes in certain routines throw her off.

Part of this little personality quirk is her age.  Part of her quirk is common to many children with Down syndrome.  (I was once told that she would probably be good about things like tooth brushing before bed, because many children with Down syndrome crave that routine.  So far, she has great dental hygiene.)


For the rest of the post, go visit my friend Cara's blog, be, mama, be!
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1 comment:

  1. Anglican, right on!
    "May the force be with you"
    "and also with you" (force of habit)


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