Friday, May 3, 2013

Upcoming Events.

This week I've been quiet in blogland.  Work has been busy, meaning I'm doing more lesson planning at home.  We've had dinner with friends, Ellie started with a new physical therapist after our beloved Ms. Megan moved away, and Mama has been in her final days of marathon training.

Ellie reset my laptop so that the windows and bottom icons are giant.  This isn't the normal "zoom" you can "pinch" in or out, this is something I'd never before seen.  My iPhone is not doing very well, and I'm wondering if it can survive until my upgrade day in mid-June.

And we have a full week ahead, including a birthday party (neighbor), a baby shower (work friend), a marathon and associated events (me!), and a lot of meetings in the IEP process.

Did I say a lot?  So many meetings that today, I looked at the week ahead and saw "Eligibility determination" scribbled on Wednesday.  "Who the heck scheduled this for a Wednesday after school?" I thought.  I checked my online work calendar.  Nothing.

I went back to my paper calendar.  And remembered that Wednesday afternoon is Ellie's meeting.

I'll try to update with some photos this weekend, and I'll be sure to let you know if my child with Down syndrome qualifies for special education services.

In the meantime, we're on Instagram, as long as my phone holds up.

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1 comment:

  1. Hailey is a monster with the laptop...she disables my keypad and she can pop keys off faster than I can say her name! These girls are rotten :-)


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