Thursday, March 29, 2012

Improvement and a Charlotte Photo-Fest

I wrote yesterday about how Tuesday was a hard day.  Wednesday was better.

Ellie started to have some pretty obvious tooth pain at the start of physical therapy.  She cried and screamed and refused to cooperate, but a bit of Tylenol and a couple crackers slowly brought her around.  Our PT brought a phone book covered in contact paper to use as a bench or step, and I'm excited to let Ellie explore some new skills.

In other positive news, my iPhone is no longer broken.  The "home" button wasn't doing much of anything.  The nice guy at the Apple store replaced the phone for me, and made sure I didn't lose my data or my settings. This guy happens to have three young kids of his own, and was kind enough to offer assistance such as carrying my computer outside so I didn't have to juggle Ellie-diaper bag-laptop-keys.

The highlight of the day was the afternoon, when Charlotte came over with her mommy for a play date so I could take some pictures.

(Ellie taught Charlotte about swings.)

(No one had to teach Charlie about slides.)

(Through the playground equipment.)

(Bubbles = win.)

Charlotte is already growing so much and catching on fast.  I love seeing her with her new family.

In other "making life better" news, the Washington Post Peeps Show winners were announced.  I love the Peeps Show.  Before you start thinking dirty thoughts, it's a diorama contest featuring Peeps.  Matt and I keep saying we're going to enter, but we always remember the day entries are due.  Someday...

Ellie was up early, but I am anticipating an even better day today.  We're going for a run, we're visiting a friend, and as I write this, Ellie is falling asleep on the couch curled up beside me, sucking her thumb.

Have a fantastic Thursday.

Any ideas for Matt and I if we ever make our own Peeps diorama?
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  1. Love those beautiful pictures of our sweet Charlotte! Still can not even BELIEVE she is FINALLY home! Glad her and Ellie are becoming friends!


  2. I love to see Charlotte adjusting to her life here. That picture of both Ellie and Charlotte in the swings--precious! I am relieved that yesterday was a better day.

  3. Soooo precious! I love that they are calling her Charlie...I am biased though, my niece (aka Bean) is named charlie! Well, it's Charlotte but we've always called her Charlie. :)

  4. So excited to see these! Charlotte looks like she's always been here & is so happy! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. Great pictures!!! Ms. Charlotte has an awesome smile!! So glad she's home.

  6. Love the pics of Charlotte! Btw, I missed this post the other day. Someone had just mentioned the Peeps dioramas to me today, and I had yet to see them until now - HILARIOUS! ! Hmmm...maybe you and Matt could do, I don't know...I'm not creative enough. :-(


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