Friday, March 30, 2012

Fridays are Good.

Yay for Friday!

I have nothing for you today, aside from a Friday Phone Dump and "Happy Weekend!"

(Yes, the top left IS Sammi pushing Ellie in the stroller down the ramp at Dulles.  )

Friday Phone Dump idea stolen from Kelle.  (Oh, and Kelle just wrote a book.  And I pre-ordered it, which means I get a new book in a few days.  I'll give you my thoughts when I read it.)
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  1. Happy Friday!


  2. Love that you've included Matt in the mix today! He looks thrilled. :-) Have a fantastic weekend, and if you want to meet for potato pancakes tomorrow, let me know...

  3. Megan, Sorry to commandeer but just trying to get some comments posted on blogger so maybe google will take notice... My blog is gone today. I can't figure out how to retrieve it-- it's like it never existed. Over a year of my posts! Ack! Trying to see if I can post comments and also to see if anyone has any ideas.


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