Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pen Ready.

As I'm sure you've all figured out, I lug my camera everywhere.

Okay, almost everywhere.  I love adore am obsessed with my DSLR, but I admit, sometimes it's a bit too big to carry.  I mean, I already carry a diaper bag everywhere, too, right?  Sometimes, I would love to have something smaller that didn't require quite as much thought.  I shoot in manual, and since I'm still learning, I mess up frequently.  (If you're looking for examples, just scroll through this blog!)  I also spend a lot of time learning my camera, reading photography websites, and just playing with the settings and features.  A lot of times people ask me about the time it takes to learn.  Well, the answer is a lot of time, and I still have a long way to go.

There's a new trend you may have seen.  Olympus has a much smaller camera out - the Olympus PEN® E-PM1.  From the looks of things, there are way less buttons and bulk.  I would love to try one.  Olympus gave over 1,000 people cameras in six cities, and had them start shooting.  The results are some pretty sweet photos, which you can see at  These aren't "photographer" people, these are just regular people with cameras.  Sadly, I am not one of them.

Add it to my wish list to supplement my DSLR!

This post is sponsored by Olympus.
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  1. wait a sec - they sponsored a post but didn't give you a pen camera?!!

  2. If you get the PEN E-P3 you can replace your DSLR with it. It's totally DSLR quality.


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