Thursday, December 29, 2011

Looking Back - 2011.

2011. This year has been hard, good, exciting, joyful, and just plain full.  I found this fun little way to look back from Ashley Sisk, and I thought I'd share.  Each caption has the prompt she suggested, and I've linked back to the original posts for those of you who are new.  Happy New Year!

(Me.  Matt took this photo in August on our mini-vacation before Ellie's heart surgery.  I look back on this year and I'm amazed at how much sweet Ellie has been through, and how much she put us through!  This was such a scary time, and now, we are okay.)

(I love you.  I love seeing these two together.... Even though you can't really see Ellie in this photo.)

(Still laughing.  We took Ellie to a park and let her play in the leaves.  She wasn't upset when Matt snatched one out of her mouth, which was out of character.  Turns out, she had one stashed up her sleeve! )

(Winter Wonderland.  Thanksgiving in Lake Placid was beautiful.  First "real" snow we saw this winter, despite the few random flakes that fell Halloween weekend.)

(Birthday.  Yep, Ellie's actual birth day.  I think Matt took this?  She was born via emergency c-section and came out crying, much to our relief.)

(Friends.  Ellie and the neighbors at a party.  Don't they look so grown up and intense?  I wonder who they are gossiping about... I thought this wouldn't start for a few more years!)

(I Was Inspired.  I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in October, and ran a PR.  Race inspiration came from an old running buddy and from Ellie.  Race training help came from Matt, who let me do what I needed to do in order to train, even if I woke him up early.)

(Spring Fever.  Christina has these flamingos sent to our front yard to celebrate Ellie's two month birthday.  They made me smile, and the neighbor kids loved them, too.  The flockings occur each spring.)

(Travel or Vacation.  Ellie bundled up in the snow at Lake Placid during our crazy road trip.)

(Summer Days.  This is where I spent my summer vacation.)

(A Day in My Life.  I spend a lot of time reading with this little munchkin, specifically "Hippos Go Berserk.")

(All Smiles.  This is one of Matt's favorite photos of Ellie.  I can't get over that smile.)

(Autumn Harvest.  We took Ellie to Cox Farms in October.  The absolute highlight for her was this pumpkin.)

(Home.  Home from the NICU after three weeks, this photo brings tears to my eyes even nine months later.)

(Celebration.  Confession, I did not make or even buy these cupcakes.  I take it back, I think I got one?  But I took this photo with Matt's family in town to celebrate Ellie's baptism, and that celebration was a very big deal.)

(Let's Do it Again.  Hiking with Ellie is a fun little adventure.)

(I Miss You.  My brother came to visit and meet Ellie.  I miss him, and I hope he comes back soon.)

(Beautiful.  The first time I saw Ellie after her transfer to Children's and surgery.)
(Dress Up.  Sometimes, baby elephants party too hard.  We had a good Halloween.)

(Macro.  More Lake Placid.  I can't help it.)

(Holidays.  Ellie started getting Christmas gifts at Thanksgiving.)
(More Holidays.  Because I love this shot.)

(My Favorite.  I love these two.)

(Don't Ever Change.  I love this laugh.)

(Just Because.  This one makes me smile.)

(Hopes and Dreams.  Praying for all of us to be happy, healthy, loving and constantly learning in 2012.)

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    1. Happy 2012, Ellie and Megan! May it be filled with lots of fun, friends, and blessings!

    2. It is amazing to look back at the year and see what all of us have overcome and how great our future is. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures of Ellie and the journey of her year!

    3. Wow, Lake Placid looks beautiful!! Glad you got away for the holidays. You've had a fabulous year! Love this look back. :-)

      Happy New Year!

    4. I love this post (and I may have to borrow the idea for my own post)!! Thank you for sharing Ellie with us this year. I have loved watching her grow and achieve!

    5. An unbelievable testament to a life-altering year. Your photos are beautiful, but the moments captured are more so. Thanks for sharing them with us at Rub Some Dirt On It!

    6. Oh what a lovely special post.
      I wish your wishes come true and surround your lovely family!

    7. Beautiful set of photos...I love that picture of Ellie in the fall...even though she's a Bears fan...LOL! Blessings to you in the new year!

    8. Your Ellie is such a little cutie! Many blessings to you in this new year!

    9. What a great, Ellie filled, year! It's adorable to see how much she grew this year! Hope 2012 is so great!

    10. What a beautiful collection - love all the photos of Ellie. Isn't she beautiful. Happy New Year!

    11. What an exciting year!!!! Ellie is so adorable & has such an infectious smile. I can't help but sit here & smile back at her on my screen.

    12. So fun to see your year. Ellie is growing so quickly! Here's to all that's good in 2012


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