Thursday, December 1, 2011


Ellie had fun with her grandparents today.

(Snuggles with Pops.)

("Too comfy to open my eyes for a photo op.")

(Me and my dad.)

(Dad and Kim.)

("Woah, lights!")

("Hi Pops, I'll be snuggling here now.")

(This is how Ellie rolls.)

("Hey, when do we get to play with the paper?")

We hit up the Spy Museum and Old Town, hung out around the house a bit, and watched Ellie work her charms.

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  1. I just want a nibble. Just a little nibble of that Ellie girl. That last picture is priceless. Glad you had fun with your grandparents, Ellie!

  2. Your Dad has the kindest-looking face...


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