Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mostly Wordless Wednesday.

The family holiday craziness continues tonight with Grandparents, Part I.  Just popping in to share a little photo love from the past few weeks.

(I know, it's not Friday, but I'm sharing anyway, because I forgot last week.  MeganLando on instagram if you care to join the fun.)

Are you getting ready for any big family Christmas events?  (Or other holidays?)  Our tree is trimmed, the stockings are hung, and the cards are out! 

PS. Props to anyone who knows the story of the three matching ornaments, especially if you're not my facebook friend.
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1 comment:

  1. I thought I was ahead of the cards are printed and "almost" all addressed. The stomach virus that hit the house delayed them a bit :-)

    Did you receive the same ornament 3 times from the same person?


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