Monday, November 14, 2011

Thankful for Friends.

Today, I'm thankful for friends, both for myself and for Ellie.

Pictures of just Matt and I are hard to come by since Ellie entered the picture.  My awesome friend Christina (same awesome friend who watched Ellie during the marathon and took her to the finish line) went out with us on Sunday to take some fun "parents only" photos.  We decided to take her to lunch to say thanks.  All of our usual restaurants had long waits, which led us to discover a new lunch spot - cheap crepes and no wait.  

(Love him.)

("Engagement pose.")

(Awesome friend Christina.)

I'm thankful for friends today because over the weekend, Ellie got to meet Bella, a beautiful little girl who also sports an extra chromosome. (FYI: If you hang out with babies named "Ellie" and "Bella," you end up calling both of them "Bellie.")

(Look at that hair!)

(They were speaking baby.)

("Here, Ellie, eat a leaf.")

Ellie and Bella are six days apart.  I was reminded again how fortunate we are to live in an area with great services, and where we can meet other kids the same age with Down syndrome for an afternoon.  

And because I forgot it on Friday, here's the weekly instagram dump.

(I'd like to publicly proclaim that my husband is opposed to me sharing the photo of Ellie in the Cardinals hat.)

Have a wonderful week.
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  1. I still have no clue what Instagram is. LOL

    Such a couple of cuties!! Yes, this area is so amazing for finding those little enhanced friends who are so close in age - we had several like that. :-)

    Love the parents-only photos!! You two are so cute together!

  2. For some reason, when I read Ellie and Bella together...I ended up saying Bellie in my head!

    Cute pictures (both of the girls and of mom and dad!)

  3. Such a couple of cuties! That's great that Bella lives so close. I would love to find someone close to Jalanea's age where we live. Everone we have met so far are older.
    I am an instagram addict!!!

  4. So lucky to have photos of you and your husband! I think the last one we have of just us is when my oldest was a few months old... he's seven now. Oops. :)

  5. "Bellie" - LOL!!! xoxox
    ps. Mikey and I have no photos with each other to speak of either...other than the ones we take while angling the camera away and taking self-shots...!!


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