Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thankful for Conversations.

Clearly, Ellie has some things to say.

I'm thankful that Ellie can provide humor, even at 5:30 am, which in when this video was taken.
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  1. I love seeing her in motion! Cora was enthralled too and is talking right back! "Hi Ellie," she says!

  2. Joanna has the same PJs! I love the baby babbles. She is doing so great sitting too.

  3. I love the video!!! I will have to add though...I'm thankful Hailey isn't up that early!

  4. Sounds strangely like some of the conversations I have had with Liddy. lol

  5. Levia was talking back to Ellie =) And I'm very thankful that Levia likes to sleep and doesn't wake up until 7.

  6. Hehehe - she has a LOT to say!! Sounded important...

  7. lol, I sat "and then what happened?" to Jack too!

  8. That was so sweet! Waverly loved watching Ellie and kept saying, "Dada!" back to her!


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