Friday, November 11, 2011

My Favorite Veteran, Communication, and Thanks.

Between midnight and 6:30 am today, I had a sleeping baby become a screaming baby, I had my (brand new) iphone stop charging, and I was re-awoken by little screamer at 4.

But ya know what?  It's November, and I'm thankful anyway.

First of all, today is Veteran's Day, and while I'm thankful for all of our veterans, I am especially thankful for my grandfather.

(Photo from 1998 scanned, uploaded to facebook, saved from facebook, and cropped.  Yep, high quality.)

I'm thankful for soy nog in my coffee, because that makes 4 am much more doable.

I'm thankful that the Apple Genius Bar guy diagnosed my phone's issue as a broken charger, and gave me a new charger.  And I'm thankful that Matt's new iphone arrived today, too. 

(I set Matt's phone up, so I thought I would make myself the wallpaper.)

I'm thankful for lunch with friends.

I'm thankful for communication.  We've been signing "eat" and "more" with Ellie.  She responds to the signs with a happy face, but doesn't do them.  She smiles, then opens her mouth wide, much like a baby bird.  She no longer wants to hold her spoon, she just wants "food-in-my-belly-right-now-hurry-faster."  This morning, she kept making a weird face at me.  After a minute, she grabbed my arm and did her little baby bird.  I asked if she wanted to eat and signed "eat," and that sweet little face lit up.

Yep, she got some puffs to eat.

I'm thankful for ear flaps on pink hats and piles of leaves outside our house.

(Mama, there seems to be a leaf on my head.)

(In love with leaves.  Linking up at Show Off Your Shot.)

(Mom, I am not real sure about this hat thing.)

I'm thankful for an extended family that is intensely competitive about our Thanksgiving photo contest, and that also produces a "family tree" from scratch art leaves.

(Ellie helped scratch a leaf in anticipation of meeting her family.)

And I always am thankful when Matt surprises me with flowers.

(Thank you, Matt!)

This November, I'm enjoying being intentional about giving thanks.  We have so much worth appreciating.  What little things have made you happy this week?

Joining The Paper Mama this week.
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  1. So wonderful! Cora just started showing that she's understanding too! Great!!

  2. What a sweet post! Are those Otterboxes on your phones? Husband just surprised with me an iPhone and went all out buying me a pink otterbox case.

  3. so so cute! & i am a little jealous of all the leaves, it don't really look like that here in florida. [feel free to head on over & check out the current giveaway]

  4. cute little hat! She looks so content in those leaves.

  5. Your baby bird is my favorite baby bird. She is SO adorable I can not stand it. I am not sure I could stand getting up at 4 am with a baby though : ) I take that back. I could do it for a bundle of that deliciousness in a heartbeat : ) Sweet. Sweet. Sweet!


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