Sunday, October 9, 2011

{31 for 21} Slice of Life: Nine.

The only role Down syndrome plays in this post is that it includes photos of Ellie, who has Down syndrome.

She also has an amazing ability to know how hard Mommy's workout was, and to wake up extra early following hard workouts.

Oh well.

We spent some quality family time together following my 20 miler yesterday.

(Daddy, how did we get here?  Last time I checked, I was asleep in the car!)

(Fun with a Vespa mirror.)

(It's good to be an American.)

(Sleepy Ellie.)

(Photo by Matt.)

(There be pirates on the Potomac.  Arrrr.)

(Daddy, should I go back to sleep?  I can't decide.)

(Pwwwwwwwwwwwttttttttttttttttttt.  I can control you with my eyes.)

(Matt's version of Blue Steel.  I forced him into these pictures.)

Finally, a huge THANK YOU to those of you who have honored Down Syndrome Awareness Month in some way.  Ellie truly has been blessed with a great support system.  Our friend Eleanor and Uncle Mark are both running the Chicago Marathon in her honor today!
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  1. I love the picture that focuses on her eyes. Gorgeous!

  2. Love seeing the pictures of your family. And way to go- 20 miles is awesome!

  3. 20 miles...oh my!! I love the last pic of Ellie!


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