Monday, October 10, 2011

{31 for 21} Hands: Ten.

One of the features of Down syndrome is a single crease on the palm.  Ellie doesn't have this feature.

She is, however, pretty obsessed with her hands.  Her fine motor skills are coming along nicely, and Ellie is quite impressed with her abilities.

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  1. She's adorable! I love how you were able to capture her fascination...that childhood wonder shows perfectly on her sweet little face :)

  2. I love those days when they are beginning to discover their hands and feet, and they think they're the coolest things ever! Such a lovely photo!

  3. Such a sweet moment captured! It's always so much fun when they're entertained that easily. :)

  4. Awww.....SO CUTE!! And I love her hair sticking up too. What a great moment you captured!

  5. Moments like this are what makes taking pictures worth while. So very sweet. The lighting in this picture is great. I love how her hand so easily contrasts with the background and I love how her hair and eyelashes are defined.
    Just beautiful.

  6. Beautiful shot! You did a fabulous job of capturing her studying her hand!

  7. Hailey doesn't have the crease either and she is very enthralled with her hands! Love Ellie's tuft of hair :-)

  8. This is such a beautiful moment captured. AND how gorgeouse is Eleanor Claire! GORGEOUS. I really love this in b&w.

  9. A moment of pure amazement captured here!

  10. What a sweetie! Great the light!

  11. Such a cutie! And a great photo, mama!


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