Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{31 for 21} Seven Months: Four

Dear Ellie,
How are you seven months old?  Didn't I just write a letter to you on your four month birthday? At seven months, so much has changed.  We've now known you longer than we've known your diagnosis.  You are a little ball of energy.

In honor of seven months of Ellie, here's your "top 7" as of late:

7. Sitting.  For at least seven minutes.

6. Elmo.  You are super into your Sesame Street book, although you've never seen the show.  Out of curiosity, I pulled up the "Elmo's Ducks" video, and you were enthralled.

5. Eating.  This whole "transition to solids" has been a big winner for you, little one.  You love all foods (except applesauce) and eat with gusto.  You help put the spoon in your mouth, and even after a bath, we find peas and prunes in your hair or under your chin.

4. "School."  Today, you started developmental therapy, a.k.a. "baby school."  You worked on holding objects in both hands, bringing them together, taking toys in and out of a container, and listening to a book about colors.  You loved having your teacher come over to play.  Ellie, you even are starting early with homework.  This week, your homework is placing objects in a shallow cake pan. 

(School is a  lot of work, I'm tired.)

3. The BOB.  You are our child, through and through.  We have a longish run planned tomorrow in the BOB stroller, and I can't wait.  You sit either happily making friends with passing runners or you fall asleep. 

2. Books.  You love Olivia and Hippos Go Berserk!  I love to read to you.  You grab the pages and pay attention.

1. Tickle time.  When Daddy tickles you, you laugh out loud and smile with your whole face.

(Swinging is one of my favorites, but I didn't put it on the list.)

(Socks are for wimps.)

(This swing is so comfy, I'll just take a little snooze.)

Little one, we visited your geneticist today.  He was impressed by your attention span and by how alert you are.  I'm pleased to report that you finally weigh 13 pounds!  That puts you at almost double your birth weight.  You smiled and laughed through the appointment, and you demonstrated your sitting skills.

We are so proud of you.  After all you've been through, you continue to laugh, smile, and make our lives better.

Happy seven months, Eleanor!

Love, Mommy
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  1. Happy 7 months, cutie-pie!! Love the 'do. :-)

  2. I cannot believe it has been 7 months already. It feels like just yesterday she was a wee little baby. Happy 7 months Mama Bear and Miss Ellie.


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