Wednesday, October 5, 2011

{31 for 21} Facts and Photos: Five.

This Wednesday is more of a "Wordy Wednesday" than a "Wordless Wednesday."  

(I'm ready to share some facts.)

In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Ellie wanted to share some facts about Down syndrome with all of you.  Most of these facts are from the National Down Syndrome Society, or NDSS.  Others are straight from Ellie, as she considers herself an expert on babies with Down syndrome. 

There are more than 400,000 people with Down syndrome living in the United States.  (NDSS)

Babies with Down syndrome can ride happily in a BOB stroller for up to eight miles if given a blanket and a teether.  (Ellie)

(I like the BOB.  It's better for naps than a crib.  Who needs a crib?)

Eighty percent of children with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35.  Although the incidence of Down syndrome increases with maternal age, the higher birth rate of women under 35 means that most babies with Down syndrome are born to these younger women. (NDSS)

Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. One in every 691 babies is born with Down syndrome.  (NDSS)

Babies with Down syndrome require books about princesses to stay happy.  (Ellie)

(Fascinating reading, Mom.)
 Quality educational programs, a stimulating home environment, good health care, and positive support from family, friends and the community enable people with Down syndrome to develop their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.  This care includes physical therapy, where learning to roll over equips babies with Down syndrome to get in trouble by hiding under the coffee table.  (NDSS/Ellie)

Babies with Down syndrome are not always happy.  This is a rumor.  Babies with Down syndrome are especially unhappy when they don't get what they want.  If you are the parent or babysitter of a baby with Down syndrome, you can make them happy with prunes, peas, books, attention, or hugs.  Do NOT give them applesauce or eye drops.  (Ellie)

(I am not always happy.  Sometimes, I am angry.  Like this.)

PS. I'm double-timing today, and hanging out over at "Four Blessings of Mine."  I was also super excited to discover this post today, too.

PS #2. Linking up with Paper Mama /And Then She Snapped for Wordless Wednesdays.
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  1. Wow Ellie's facts are spot on! Lol

    Thank you for appearing on my blog today!

  2. I love her expressions, and I love your photography!

  3. I always have issues with Wordless Wednesday...mine are always Wordy! Love Ellie's statistics! I think my favorite is the "always happy" one!

  4. Great post - I love Ellie's insights are spot-on!

  5. I love the facts you listed, especially the ones from Ellie's perspective :)

    And the Ellie tantrum photo is so classic! I actually love that it's not in focus - very artistic and photo-journalistic :)


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