Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome, Fall.

I spotted my first yellow leaf the other day, and the weather reports are calling for fall-like weather.

That weather will be ideal for running and taking babies outside to play.

(Look, Mom, no hands!)

(I like it up here.)

Don't worry, I was within arms reach the whole time.  Ellie loved the swing... which was more of a "hang," since I was scared to swing her.

Ellie resumed physical therapy today, and afterward, we tried out her jumper toy.

(I don't care about the bouncing, but this guitar is yummy!)

Ellie's gross motor skills are mostly on track (Thank you, Miss Megan!) with the exception of her less-than-stellar arm strength.  That may or may not be something Ellie has in common with her mommy.  I recently started doing some yoga videos to work on my upper body, and Ellie will begin a strict routine of baby push ups and possibly jumping jacks.  We'll wait until she can walk before her marathon training begins.

Unfortunately, there will be no SCUBA training for Ellie, the one and only restriction placed upon her following surgery.  In the greater scheme of things, that's a pretty small sacrifice.

(Ellie says "Pwwwwwt."  Translation: "Thanks for reading.")

Wordless{ish} Wednesday-ing with Paper Mama, And Then She Snapped.
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  1. Does Ellie actually bounce in the little bouncing thing? We try to put Jaidin in it but he just gets mad and wants to eat everything in sight!

  2. Ellie is becoming more and more beautiful with each passing day. She certainly loves her swing!

  3. Sweet!
    I still haven't tired a swing w/Eslea yet. I don't know why!
    Love the first pic :)

  4. Look at those lashes! Such a beauty. Just wait till she's strong enough and/or you're brave enough to swing her. We started Cora in the last couple weeks and it's pure joy!

  5. I'm so excited for our move to Oregon because I here they have fall there! I love the changing of the leaves. Ellie looks like she's pretty happy with them too.

  6. She is so cute! I, too, am enjoying the little bits of Fall I'm seeing!


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