Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Since the Little Miss has been somewhat overwhelmed over the past few days with visitors, celebrations, and even physical therapy, I decided that she needed a low-key day on Tuesday.

(We just relaxed.)

(Working on sitting.)

Hint of exhaustion #1: Ellie took a nap.  If you've met my child, you know that she does not believe in naps.  Naps are for wimps.  She can sleep through the night, but no naps for her.  She normally cat naps two or three times a day, for less than thirty minutes.

(Cashed out in my lap for an hour.  I read Harry Potter.)

Well, my little one napped today.  Twice.  In my lap.

She was completely out, so I started to set her down.  Oh, the tears.  I held her some more, and she was asleep again.

(Don't think I'm happy without Mommy.)

While awake, Ellie has made a new discovery: her voice.  Her ability to vocalize is improving, and she now squawks at a volume that no eleven pound person should be able to produce.  The squawks have an emotional range from joy and elation to misery and deep turmoil.  If she expresses herself via this new noise when you're holding her, look out for your eardrums.

When I decided she looked cute with her elephant, I got some squawks.

(Help!  Elephant on the loose!)

(Wait, it's okay, I got him.  Take that, Mr. Elephant!)

But my favorite squawking now comes early in the morning.  I wake up and nurse Ellie, and a bit later Matt wakes up to happy squealing and squawking, because Ellie has a lot to say these days.

And I'll simply say this: As tired as I've been, as exhausting as the past year of life has been, Matt and Ellie make it worthwhile.


I'm sure Ellie would agree.  Loudly.

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  1. Ellie the talker :-) Love it. Little Miss Squawks A-Lot.

    Her personality is really starting to shine through and it is such a joy to watch her grow and to see your wonderful photos.

  2. Oh my goodness! She has the most expressive faces...love it!! Can't wait to be hearing more from my own little one.

  3. Oh my gosh, Megan...she is just so adorable! I love love love to see all the photos!

  4. Simply adorable!!! love the tongue sticking out :0) so cute.

  5. So cute, love the photos with the giant teddy bear!

  6. Oh I meant elephant, I love the one with the elephant :)

  7. Meg - what a treasure for Ellie when she is old enough to read all the adventures you have written about. I so look forward to my weekly dose of Ellie.

  8. Thank you for the sweet comment on my I heart faces entry. It means a lot!
    I was looking through your blog, noticing your beautiful daughter, and wanted to share a couple of blogs for you. These are my faux adopted daughter, or "in town" daughter as she calls herself...she and her husband are our dear friends, and her son has that special extra chromosone, and they are in the process of adopting another extra chromosoned child...check her out.



    Hope your week continues to be grand!


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