Monday, March 21, 2011

World Down Syndrome Day

Today is World Down Syndrome Day, which I think means we need to celebrate Ellie a little bit extra today.  We call her our "advanced and enhanced" baby.  She's doing really well, hence, advanced.  And she has a bonus chromosome, making her enhanced.

I think when I learned that Ellie has DS, I was afraid of so many things and I had to mourn what I though would be our lives.  But even 17 days into this journey, I know we will still dream big dreams, have a beautiful childhood for our daughter, and expect great things of her.

As I read through various Down syndrome websites, I know that this generation of parents and children is equipped with resources unavailable to previous generations.  In a very short time span, the life expectancy for our children has increased dramatically, and services have changed from institutions to interventions.

Ellie will stand on the shoulders of young men and women who have proven themselves and their abilities, and for that, I am thankful.  She will receive Early Intervention just as soon as we get home from the hospital.  She will have role models.  Current high school students, those who will be my daughter's teachers someday, have gone through school obsessed with Glee!, which includes a character with Down syndrome. 

Happy World Down Syndrome Day, Ellie!  Thank you for enhancing our world.
(OK, so maybe not quite ready to change the world YET)
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1 comment:

  1. Oh, she just gets more beautiful!
    What a beautiful post! Thank you!


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