I've mentioned before that while I was pregnant and when Ellie was a baby, I received great comfort from reading about little girls just older than my own, and Addison's antics continue to keep me entertained.
I flew through Deanna's newest book, "Motherhood Unexpected," while holding a "sort of sick" Ellie. Poor kid threw up on Wednesday after school, enough to scare me into keeping her home today, but not enough to convince Ellie that she needs rest. All rest was strictly enforced by me, as I held Ellie, trying to convince her to lay her head down. I read during pockets of this enforced rest and while Ellie finally napped, and I was drawn into the story of Claire, who is very surprised when her baby is born with Down syndrome.
Although Down syndrome plays a key role in the book, the book focuses more on perfection, loss, expectations, faith, family, and fairness.
I don't think it's a book that requires understanding of special needs parenting, although it's a faith-focused book which may impact some people's feelings in a positive or negative way. I love that the special needs mom is imperfect, although Claire's character took awhile to grow on me. Deanna also captures the voice of 15 year old Felicity authentically.
Read it. Enjoy it. And be sure to check out Deanna's blog.
And since the book is about babies with Down syndrome and I guess this is #throwbackthursday, here's an old shot of Ellie.
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I'm completely impressed that you read it so quickly while juggling a sick child! (-; Thank you for reading and for sharing! I really do hope we can meet someday in person. I have a feeling Addison and Miss Ellie would be the best of friends. And I hope Ellie is back to health soon!