Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thankful for Bears and More.

Sending a child to school means that the child learns things for which you may have no context.

Like "We're going on a bear hunt, take a camera, close door, squeak!"

Super adorable, but what the heck was she talking about?  It took about two weeks of Ellie singing for Matt and I to figure out exactly what she was saying.

While her recent camera obsession has already prompted us to get her a camera for Christmas, some googling led me to this book.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

You can bet that's added to the list.  I'm thankful to be in a position where I can buy Ellie books on a whim.  We love books.

Here are some other things I'm thankful for right now….

Ellie looking adorable in her glasses.  Day two:

She also looks great with a cone on her head.

I passed my National Boards for teaching.  Big deal.  Huge relief.  I found out very very early this morning.

Scores are released around midnight and from 11:30-12:20 the system was basically locked up with other hopeful candidates like me obsessively clicking "refresh."  I took a bad picture of the screen and could barely type my name, I was shaking!

Matt is exhausted because even though he went to bed (at my request) while I awaited my score, he was more nervous than me.  And more excited.  So grateful for his support and to be done with the NBPTS process.

My favorite Christmas treat is in stores again.

Get excited.  Or mock me.  Whatever.  But this stuff makes my Christmastime coffee sooooo good.  I'm already using my new Christmas tree mug, which I purchased on clearance last January.  I held out for a long time.

I have great friends who care.  Friends who organize sock drives for the homeless as the weather gets cold.  Friends who organize Turkey Bowl to feed the hungry.  Friends who live out their faith.  I love those people.  The same friends who see each other more rarely in our 30s than we did in our 20s, but who still love and care.  Oh, and having friends for 10+ years as transplants to DC?  Amazing.

That photo?  Ellie's first Turkey Bowl.  Her second Turkey Bowl was a bit better.  We'll see how tonight goes; she may even try her hand at bowling.

Happy weekend.  Enjoy.  Give thanks.  Have fun.

And hug a turkey.

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  1. That is one of the best books ever. It was the first we used in homeschooling and then went to see the live production. Search for it on YouTube! It's catchy set to music!

  2. Love the attempting to learn what kiddies are saying. I had that one day when my son was signing exactly what word was from the song Big PUMPKIN but I couldn't remember what the sign was. Even in an SDC preschool no one else knew, I was sad. But once he started kicking & & other gestures the teacher & aide knew. Check out that one too!! So cute!

    Love the get excited or mock me whatever part too lol.

    Plus good friends rock and make time and more as your kiddies get older -/ even if it's in five more years before you do. Great times & memories.


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