Saturday, November 1, 2014


Today, my neighbor Megan and I had some friends over for a Noonday party.

We learned about Noonday through a few avenues, including Kelle Hampton and Jen Hatmaker's blogs.

We had some drinks and snacks and tried on beautiful jewelry and scarves, sustainably made items that provide economic opportunity to artisans around the world.  I fell in love with some scarves, some arm warmers, and more than one necklace.

For those unable to attend, our Noonday ambassador, Kelli, has offered to leave the trunk show open online for a week.  You can shop right here.

Noonday Collection

This necklace was a favorite of all of our guests.  It's made from melted down artillery shells and the artisans, who are HIV positive, are able to buy their medicine with the money they earn.

Noonday Collection

This wrap was another favorite.  It's super warm and fuzzy with a fun zipper.

Noonday Collection

This bracelet was great to dress up or down.

Check out the collection online, and enter "Megan and Megan" as your hostesses if you care to order.  The look book is also available, with great ideas on styling.

And a portion of all purchases benefits our friend who is headed back to Eastern Europe to adopt again… another little girl with Down syndrome.
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  1. I hate house parties, but I love that this is for such a great cause. I am going to go see if I can buy something and help someone. XO

    1. I've never hosted one before - but this ended up great because we didn't care about selling for the sake of selling - the stuff was REALLY good! The hardest thing was buying for other people and not just for myself!


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