Sunday, November 9, 2014

Following Directions.

Following directions can be hard for Ellie.  Some of that issue is related to her disability - increased processing time and delays in working memory.  Some of that issue is related to her personality - Ellie doesn't follow directions she doesn't like.

At gymnastics, Ellie generally shows off her best listening, which means she only runs the wrong direction sometimes.

Today, I sat in the stands watching my daughter warm up with her peers, following along step by step - sometimes a bit behind, but able and willing to try new things.

Her class got to the floor course, and I heard both teachers give Ellie a clear instruction.  "Do a straddle roll."  Ellie can do a straddle roll!  She loves rolls!

I grabbed my phone to shoot a video.

A video posted by Megan Landmeier (@meganlando) on

I was laughing too hard to capture the follow up: Ellie's coach simply pulling her back up, trying not to laugh, and saying "Now do a straddle roll."

Oh, and Ellie executed that straddle roll beautifully.
Pin It!

1 comment:

  1. I died laughing watching this video! SO. DANG. CUTE!!!


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