Monday, October 27, 2014

{31 for 21} Flower Girl Says….

Some more little flower girl tidbits:

* "Grandma… a BUTTERFLY!" checking out Grandma's corsage
* "Ellie need a BIBLE!" fighting her Aunt Anna and I for a hymnal.  Bad theology or not, I hissed "You do NOT need a Bible.  Sit DOWN."  I'm classy.
* "More cookie!" after finishing part one of her flower girl bribe.
* "I Elsa!" while getting dressed.

Ellie fell asleep hard at the reception.  She ran around during cocktail hour and I guess it did her in.  She barely woke up to eat.  She was a trooper and she gets a gold star.

Even more important, my brother-in-law and new sister-in-law had a fantastic wedding, which Ellie interrupted only minimally.

My sister-in-law is a developmental pediatrician - she is fantastic with Ellie and we're so excited to have her as part of the family.  (And if any of my DS friends are in Chicago, I have a good recommendation for you!)
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1 comment:

  1. I want you to come to a wedding close to me again so I can babysit. Can you please make that happen pronto.


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