Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New Friends.

Dear Miss Kelly,

As you know, we spend a lot of time together because you watch me every day while Daddy "makes the bacon" and Mama "teaches the big kids."  And I like you.

You have a Patchy and my friend Charlotte.

So I thought other people should know that you are awesome and they should know other stuff, too.

You are getting me another new friend, who is a baby.  And since that baby is currently living far away, I guess that's going to cost a lot of money.  And that baby and I have matching chromosomes.

When that baby gets here, I know Charlotte will teach her lots of stuff, but I will help.  Here are the things I will teach baby:

"Cwacker peeeease."

I will teach that baby how to cause all kinds of trouble.  And how to be bestest friends with Patchy the Cat who says "woof."

I will NOT tell baby your "tails are not for pulling" idea, because that idea is very bad.  Tails are for pulling.

Anyway, since lots of grownups are probably reading this, I wanted them to see three things.

#1 - Your adoption story, part 2.
#2 - Stuff you can buy on the internet that gives money to help my new baby friend get home.
#3 - A place people can help get baby home.

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