Saturday, December 8, 2012

Santa? I Know Him!

Ellie likes Rudolph a lot.


Well, maybe next year.

We met Santa at our local Down syndrome association's holiday party, where aside from being terrified of a man in a red suit, Ellie had a blast.  She ate while sitting in standing on a big girl chair.  Loud Christmas music played.  She somehow talked at least six different kids into sharing their bells or other instruments while they danced.

And although meeting Santa himself was pretty traumatic, Ellie enjoyed receiving a stuffed reindeer and a new book from his helpers.  (Thanks, Janelle!)

I love watching Ellie come alive surrounded by other kids, and she has some little friends with Down syndrome we enjoy visiting at these events.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Santa-free night!
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  1. That first picture is awesome! We haven't visited Santa yet.

  2. Oh my goodness, that's an awesome Santa photo! "Someone save me from this strange man!" Danielle loved Santa. I'm pretty sure she had that pom pom at the end of his cap in her mouth at one point. Im suprised he didn't lose his beard to her. LOL. It was nice seeing you guys.

  3. Haha, so funny! It was great to see you guys! Btw, you should have introduced her to Santa-lite, little Charlie (who happens to be Santa's IRL son), who was wearing his own Santa suit. Somehow I suspect an 8 year old in a Santa suit would be more palatable. :-)

    1. Hahaha, she did meet Charlie (who was only half-Santa-ed, we saw him prepping) and he didn't faze her one bit!


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