Monday, October 29, 2012

{31 for 21} Ouch.

Tip: If you want to run a 3:50 marathon, as I was on track to do Sunday, do not pull a hamstring at mile 17.  It's bad for your hamstring, marathon time, and ego, especially if your splits are being posted on Facebook.

Also, while nine miles doesn't feel far to me these days, nine miles of limping is really, really, really far.

However, for your entertainment, a few signs that made me laugh.

* Paul Ryan would be done by now. (Not a political joke.  Paul Ryan is mocked a lot as a runner, because who forgets their marathon time?  Unacceptable.)
* Smile if you're chafing.
* Screw the bridge, beat Sandy!  (To stay in the Marine Corps Marathon, you have to "beat the bridge" by maintaining a 14 minute/mile pace until the bridge at mile 19-20ish.)
* I can hear you farting.

Now, you know that I'm totally mature.

NOTE: This is set to automatically post.  Hurricane Sandy is set to pound our area.  I'm doubting that we'll have things like power for a few days, so I may become a 31 for 21 slacker.

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  1. I'm so impressed by your marathon achievement! I watched your stats on Facebook and silently cheered you along the whole time. Sorry about the hamstring injury. I think it says amazing things about you that you still pressed on and finished! Congratulations!

  2. Congrats on finishing! And I totally laughed at the signs you mentioned. I'm immature too. :)


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