Friday, March 16, 2012


Yesterday was an outside kind of day.  Spending the day outside has advantages, including playing with the neighbors at the water table and meeting all the doggies in the neighborhood.

Ellie quickly befriended this pup.  Fortunately, he was good-natured about her aggressive displays of affection.

("Here, doggie, let me grab your face!")

Ellie was a happy baby this week in the sunshine.  She looked so content.

(Ellie's therapist brought her a yellow Slinky.  It was a hit.  Except for one little detail, which you'll see below.)
Have a great Friday... and look for the Slinky in the phone dump.

(Swing, Ellie and Mommy, blue skies, wagon win, spring shoes, playing with friends, more swings, FAIL.)

PS. Since I never heard from one of the giveaway winners, the new winner of second pair of Scene Not Herd earrings is DLW.  Contact me for details on claiming your prize!
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