Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankful for Relaxing Sundays.

Today, I'm thankful for relaxing Sundays.  Following a rough night, Ellie woke for the third and final time today around 5:30.  She was in a great mood. 

We enjoyed our new Sunday tradition: pastries, followed by church and taking advantage of beautiful fall weather. 

(I like these leaves.  And I like my sleeve.  It's yummy.)

("Hey Daddy, look!  There's Mommy!")

(Overexposed self-timed photo.  We set it up on the diaper bag.)

(Love.  Just a lot of love.)

(Scenes from our walk.)


(Thanks, people running by, for taking this.)

(We stopped to watch a big kid feed the ducks.)


(Look who is weight-bearing on her legs!)


I'm thankful we live somewhere fun, with plenty to do.  I'm also thankful to have an outgoing baby, ready to make new friends with everyone we encounter.
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  1. She is a doll! Love the photos. so pretty.

  2. Love the weight baring photo (and the ones of you and Matt too!). All this running ability from Team Lando, I have a feeling Ellie will be walking/running sooner than we all think.

  3. oh yay she's putting weight on her legs now!! How is that going?


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