Friday, November 18, 2011

Ellie's Turn.

Dear Mommy's Blogger-Reader-People,

It's Ellie again.  I haven't stolen Mommy's blog in awhile, and with all this thankfulness and Thanksgiving stuff coming up, I have a lot to share.  Mommy writes letters to me, but today, I wanted to write a letter to you.  (I'm dictating to Mommy, because she says I spit up on the keyboard sometimes.)

(This is me, eating lunch.  I tried to hug Mommy, but she didn't hug me back.)

I'm pretty thankful for all you bloggy-readers.  You say nice things about how cute I am, even when I do things like wake up really early.  So thank you, and keep telling Mommy I'm cute.  This will be extra-important as I become more mobile and I can cause some trouble and use my cute factor to get out of it.

I'm also thankful for my toys.  Mommy talked yesterday about my loud piano.  I also love my dog Violet.  She is purple and she sings songs.  My favorite song goes like this: "I'd like a DUCK please.  It's my favorite animal.  I'd like it to be PINK, please.  It's my favorite color.  I'd like it to eat PEARS, please.  It's my favorite food.  And I'll call it ELLIE, just like you."  Isn't that an amazing song?  My dog knows all of my favorites and my name.

Pears are another reason I am thankful.  They're amazing.  I like them with broccoli and peas.  Whoever invented those little packets with the good flavors all together is brilliant.  My parents don't seem to like broccoli, pears and peas together, but that's okay.  I still like my parents, because they buy me broccoli, pears and peas, and they don't make me share.

(And now you know why I wear pigtails.)

Technology is a good reason to be thankful, too.  My parents got iphones, and they are fun to attack.  My mom wants me to practice crawling after toys.  I want to practice crawling after iphones, cameras, and anything else expensive.  Computers are good, too, because they have tasty corners.  I'm thankful that sometimes, when Mommy thinks I'm falling asleep, I can sneak attack her computer.  I like the button that says "Delete."

I'm thankful for the people who come over and teach me fun stuff like standing and crawling and talking and eating and playing.  Sometimes they make me tired, so I cry and lay down on the floor, but I really like them.  (But I do NOT like using my arms.  I'm going to skip to walking, okay?  Because crawling uses arms.  I hope you're reading this Ms. Megan.  Walking is good.  Crawling is hard!)

Oh, and I'm thankful for the doctors that fixed my heart.  I used to be a really good sleeper, but now, I'm a really good play-all-day-with-no-napper!  I love all this energy, and I like to share my energy with my parents at 4:30 am.  They say, "Shhh, Ellie, go to sleep."  And then I say, "No, let's go eat and play and start an amazing day and sit and stand!"  Since we live in a townhouse and have neighbors, I usually win.  I guess I'm also thankful for our house.

(I'm thankful for swings.)

We've been busy making preparations for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Mommy listens to Christmas carols when Daddy isn't home.  She told me not to tell before Thanksgiving, but I'm telling all of you, because I decided that I really like Christmas songs.  My favorite is "Baby, It's Cold Outside."  Because I'm a baby.  And sometimes, it's cold outside.

Happy Friday, everyone!  What are your plans for Thanksgiving?  Mommy says I can eat some potatoes and some turkey.  She also says I will get to meet my great aunts.  I guess they're pretty awesome, if they are "great."

Love, Ellie

PS. Since it's Friday, Mommy wanted to share her phone photos.  I think the pictures of me are the best, but Mommy thinks that the reserved parking for Jesus is funnier.  She's also pretty stoked about the new font she found on Pintrest.  I said, "Mommy, no one cares about fonts."  She ignored me, though.  Also, Mommy says this is a good blog to follow.  She says if you want Down syndrome resources, this blog is going to bring together all the other blogs.  I like it, because there's pictures of me.

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  1. OH MY GOODNESS! I've gotten SO behind on blog reading that I haven't been by to see yours for a few weeks... and I swear Ellie has grown SO much! Wow! I love the picture of her eating spaghetti! Such a big, beautiful girl :)

  2. Wow, Ellie, great post! hahahaha Oooh, I have to write about that awesome other blog, too. I love it, too. :-)

  3. I love reading your blog, especially for the Ellie pictures. The wind blown hair has to be my favorite =)

  4. Cora is so impressed that Ellie is so darn articulate. She is thankful for many of the same things.

  5. Hailey wanted me to suggest to Ellie that pears and green beans are a tasty combo too! The windblown hair definitely shows why Ellie needs pig tails :-) So happy to hear that all of our little ones are thankful for some of the same things. All of you can keep the 4:3o and 5 a.m. wake up calls! Don't let the girls tell Hailey that it is even an option!

  6. I followed your blog link from BBC and am so glad I did! Love it here! Your photography skills are stunning and Ellie is a perfect subject. :)

  7. I love, Ellie's hair! My daughter had hair like that when she was Ellie's age (well, in these pictures, I know they were quite a while ago). We used to call her Einstein :)


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