Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Bunch of Turkeys.

Warning: This Thanksgiving post is going to be long, because when you're with my family, there's a lot of photos, a lot of laughs, and fun in the form of photo contests, snow golf, and of course, turkey.  I promise, I am trying to control myself and just share a sampling of the photos from vacation.  Family members, let me know if there's any other pictures you want to see and I'll email them!

I'll start chronologically.  We packed Ellie up in the car and headed to my cousin's house on Tuesday, where we met up with some of the family, ate pizza, and realized that Ellie needs to work on her "making friends" skills.  She met a baby who is a bit younger, and while bigger, not quite as quick on the swipe.  My sweet little girl kept taking his toys.  We had a talk later about sharing, but I'm not sure it stuck.

("Totally innocent, Mom!")

("How loud can you cry, Ellie?"  Thanks, Aunt Kitty, for encouraging that one...)

The following morning, it was off to Lake Placid, where we encountered a winter wonderland.  We walked around the town and grabbed a snack, and even made a brief visit to some Olympic sites, including the hockey rink from the 1980 Olympics.

("Who turned out the lights?")

For Thanksgiving itself, our day began with coffee and showing Ellie some snow.  Then we headed over the river and through the woods to my aunt's house, where Ellie met plenty of family members and was spoiled rotten.  She even enjoyed some turkey, cranberries, and potatoes.  Ellie was always in someone's arms, or playing with her "cousin," or opening another present.  (And yes, "cousin" is in quotes.  What is the relationship between Ellie and my cousin's child?  Second cousin once removed, maybe?)

("What the heck?")

(Thanks to my aunt for letting me steal this from facebook!)

("I got paper!")

We hit some golf balls in the snow, thanks to my cousin and her boyfriend and their idea to "snow golf."  I was peer pressured into playing.  In flats.  And I'll use that as my excuse, but the reality is I'm painfully bad at golf.

I'm proud to report that my husband won the annual Fall Photo Fest.  I took second with a picture of Ellie.  A huge thanks to Aunt Bonnie, we love the throw and pillow Matt won, and I even put them in the guest room so our holiday visitors can enjoy them and be envious of Matt's skills and popularity.


On Friday, we spent the morning taking a walk around Placid, and then spent some time with Danielle, James, Bonnie and Kitty in the afternoon.  We ate lunch, we laughed, and said our goodbyes.  Ellie was enthralled with James, and was sad to say goodbye to him.

The drive home took the vast majority of Saturday, but when we came home, Ellie helped decorate the tree.  New York family, I love you all dearly and I can't wait until next time!

Linked here.And here.
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  1. Love it. And I just learned that your cousin's child and Ellie are actually second cousins. Because they share a great-grandmother. Your cousin's child and you are first cousins once-removed since your grandmother is her great-grandmother. Nice to finally understand, especially since Cora just got a new second cousin this week! Looks like T-day was a blast!

  2. Your family looks amazing. And I love that you have a photo contest! You got so many wonderful pictures from your holiday. We have had such an unusually warm November in NYC, so it is weird for me to see snow!

  3. It looks like you had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Love seeing all the photos!

  4. Love the photo contest idea. And the first photo cracks me up - your caption is perfect! She looks like she's giving you a shoulder shrug :)

  5. The photo you stole from facebook. Your aunt right? Her and Ellie look a lot alike! Love all of the pictures.


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