Monday, October 17, 2011

{31 for 21} Tickled Pink: Seventeen.

Before we had Ellie, our home contained a minimal amount of pink.

When we got the news, "It's a girl!" everything changed.  There's a pink toy box in our living room.  The toys and lovies that fill the box are almost all pink.

Poor Matt.  Even his "man cave" has exploded in pink.

He seems to be coping fine, though.

(Thirteen pounds of power in pink.)

(I Heart Faces is pink this week, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness.  And at My Stubborn Little Miss, we are trying to honor all the important awareness groups for October: Down syndrome, Breast Cancer, Infant Loss, and Physical Therapy Month.  We'll take a minute now to let you know that it's also Domestic Violence Awareness, Energy Awareness, Pharmacist, and Fair Trade Month.  Let me know if I missed any.)

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  1. Came over from the IHF comp, such a lovely warm photo of Dad and Daughter!! :)

  2. This is so sweet. Nothing like daddy-daughter moments. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, me too! I defied all things pink. Luckily everyone bought Cora lots of pink, since it is her color, after all! Now I buy it myself!

  4. Husband is okay with some pink but none in our decor. He has been known to sport a pink button up and occasionally a pink bandana when on the motorcycle. We'll see what happens if someone day we have a little girl.

  5. I share the your feeling in this post -- my husband's man cave is full of dolls and pink stuff.


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