Wednesday, October 19, 2011

{31 for 21} Rainy Wednesday: Nineteen.

It's a rainy day, so we've been playing inside a lot.  Ellie is still trying to figure out her stacking toy.


("This is my snack, right?")

("Maybe I'll eat my giraffe's tail instead.")

("Rain, go away.  I want to go outside and play.")

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  We're getting excited for the weekend already!

Sharing in Wordless Wednesday here and here.
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  1. Oh my...I had to laugh at the pics today...Hailey wore the same outfit for our rainy day :-)

  2. Ellie's little face always makes me smile. :)

  3. That girl sure knows how to put a rainy day to good use!!

  4. Fiona's OT brought over that star stacker this week. She loved the stars, wasn't quiet getting what she was supposed to do with them. That first picture is precious

  5. Love these shots! Her piggy tails are so cute!!


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