Friday, October 28, 2011

{31 for 21} Let the Weekend Begin: Twenty Eight.

Happy Friday!

Truly, I love Instagram.   Did you know that there are websites dedicated to iphone photography?  I am choosing not to click on any of them (that's why there's no link) because I worry about feeding my addiction.

(This week in iphone pics... Swinging, hiking, stability ball, and of course, food.)


Marathon weekend is upon us, and thanks to an amazing friend, Matt and I will both be able to run without stressing about Ellie.  We'll be able to stress about running 26.2 miles instead.  I signed up to have my splits posted to facebook, which is added motivation.  I don't want to crash into the wall publicly for 800 of my closest friends/acquaintances/high school classmates/former athletes.

(The goodie bag contents.)


Ellie's playgroup has a little Halloween party on Saturday, and I will post some costume pictures then. 


The giveaway closes Sunday night.  The general consensus is that Jessica needs to sell handmade baby things.  What should she charge for a sweater?  A hat?
Pin It!


  1. Your daughter has one of the single most infectious, and beautiful smiles!

  2. Good luck to you guys in the marathon!

    Have fun Ellie in your costume!

  3. Wow, that SMILE!!! Deeeelicious. :-)

    By the way, you DO know it's gonna snow tonight, don't you? Maybe not so much where you are, but good luck with your marathon! That's so exciting!

  4. Good luck on the marathon! Can't wait to see Ellie costume pics.

  5. Good luck at the marathon! I admire anyone that can complete 26 miles. And Ellie is adorable :)

  6. Eek that whale shirt picture is to die for. Good luck tomorrow! Stay warm!


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