Thursday, October 13, 2011

{31 for 21} Happiness: Thirteen.

Ellie can be frustrating, just like any other person.  She also brings great happiness to my life.  Ellie makes me slow down and celebrate little things in life.  I think all babies have that talent.

We'll leave shortly for Ellie to get her six month vaccines.  (They're late because she couldn't get them right after heart surgery.)  I'm sure she will be anything but happy.  However, as I write, she is sitting in her travel high chair, throwing little toys out of a cake pan and is utterly content, until she empties the pan.  (That's where Mom comes in.  I have to jump up and return the toys to the pan so the game can continue.)

Today's theme is "I'm happy I have a child with Down syndrome because..."  I'm going somewhat off topic.  When we first found out Ellie has Down syndrome, I didn't feel like happiness was in our future.  Today, I haven't thought about Down syndrome much at all.  I suppose it came up when I checked a Down syndrome message board, and it's the reason Ellie's physical therapist was here today.  But since Down syndrome is not on the forefront of my mind today, it won't be on the forefront of this blog, either.

But happiness is on my mind, and that's what you get today.  Happiness and parenting a child with Down syndrome can co-exist.

Especially when I receive emails from Ellie's therapist like this one:

"Can Ellie have pigtails for therapy tomorrow?"  (Ellie was happy to oblige.)

(Happiness is watching Ellie attempt to figure out eating puffs.)

(Happiness is watching Ellie attempt the puffs, even when it's a total FAIL.)

(Happiness is a new Elmo book from Grandma Sally.)

(Elmo and Cookie Monster bring happiness to babies everywhere.)

Of course, Ellie isn't always happy with the things that bring us joy and laughter.  Case in point, bedhead.

(Mom, please get that camera out of my face.)

I've been enjoying the arrival of fall more than ever this year, I think largely due to the relief that surgery is over.  Ellie is anxious to meet her "New York family" and has been busy preparing for Fall Foto Fest.

(Mommy's fall favorite.)

(This little guy came from Grandma.)

Happy Thursday to all.  I am sharing this blog over at Happiness Is... Check it out!

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  1. just sat down to right, exactly about this topic. Its so crazy how was was once probably the most tragic moment in our lives now brings us so much joy.

  2. Beautiful photos! Your Ellie is so cute, love the bed head!!

  3. Stopping by from the rubsomedirtonit blog hop! My little one is starting to tempt me too - she doesn't always want to clean up her toys!

  4. I LOVE the bedhead! Hailey's is that crazy after her matter how much I mat it to her head. Hailey hasn't mastered the puffs yet either.

  5. Keep the Ellie pigtail pictures coming!

  6. Kennedy has the horrible pigtail bedhead too! I take her pigtails out at night, and they just kind of stay there. Her hair is so long, it's sticking everywhere by morning. She gives me the same look when I pull out the camera!

  7. Ellie is rocking those puffs! Way to go!

  8. Oh goodness how we miss fall! Thanks for including the photos of all those gorgeous colors--southern california stinks this time of year.

  9. I love your perspective. Your honesty and love for your daughter is so evident and refreshing. I love seeing her little face on a button on my blog hop--it gets me excited!

    Thanks for linking up your happiness with us at Rub Some Dirt On It!


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