Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rainy Days.

Our weather has been featuring rain, and lots of it.  We've got thunder, lightening, and downpours.  I've been running faster, and the plants are sufficiently watered.  I'm glad I got outside on Sunday with the camera, because we've been indoors ever since. 

Here's a taste of our rainy days.

(The view from the front porch.)

(My attempt at apple pie.)

(Ellie took a nap with her dog, "Spot.")

I decided to let Ellie try out her piano from Aunt Danielle.  The toy is designed for ages six months and up.  Apparently, it was not designed by someone with a child in the fifth percentile for size.  Ellie is still a bit small and had trouble reaching some of the fun attachments. What she could reach, she loved!

 What are you up to on these rainy days?  (Readers who live somewhere sunny, I'm jealous!)

(Check out my amazing toy!)

(Tastes like chicken!)

(Mommy had to add some books and a cushion for my feet to reach.)

Linked up here and here.
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  1. We got stuck in a downpour on the National Mall on Saturday, and had to duck under a tree until it got lighter. Yesterday and today I am lucky enough to be at work, slaving away at my computer (ooh, I'm at work now...don't tell!!). ;-)

  2. I wish it would rain here! We're stuck with triple digit temps still. However, I must say you're attempt at apple pie looks uber successful.

  3. So cute! We have the very same issue with a lot of our activity toys. I've used books, pillows, blankets...

  4. Hi
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. Ellie is an amazing, precious, and special earthly angel. She has a beautiful smile and is an inspirational hero. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and developmental delays. I love it when people sign my guestbook.


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