Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pretty in Pink.

Ellie owns more clothes than Matt and I put together.  Because she is on the small side for her age (below the fifth percentile), her clothes last a long time.

This dress was supposed to be for Easter.  We received it last Thanksgiving from Aunt Terri.  It finally fits.

(Thanks, Aunt Terri!)

(Sitting is tough.)

(Practicing sitting while examining the pink poofy goodness.)

All dressed up and no place to go?  No problem.  Ellie loved chewing on the poofy dress.

(Linking up here.)

(I love my pink Jelly Cat.  I love pink.)

(World domination plan in progress.)

And while I'm posting a ton of Ellie photos, here's a few from earlier in the day.

(Look Mom!  Sitting!  And drumming!)

(I was attempting a photo of Ellie sitting.  Good thing she had the pillow there, because she totally wiped out.)
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  1. I am so glad you came by my blog today, because now I am following you and in love with Miss Ellie and her sweetness. I'm glad we got to meet up! You'll be hearing a lot more from me--I love your photos.

    I host a blog hop every Thursday about what brings us happiness, and nothing made me happier today than these photos. I'd love if you'd share them.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Such a sweet smile..

    Just found your blog through a hop! Love it :)

  3. I love beautiful Ellie, pink suits her so well, little princess :)
    Thank you for stopping by!

  4. that world domination picture is the cutest thing ever! :)

  5. The pink dress is beautiful on her! We have the issue of Hailey owning more clothes than the rest of the family too! I think the world domination pic is my favorite! I want to scoop her up and bring her home with me!

  6. These have to be some of my favorite Ellie pics ever. You guys sure made one beautiful girl.

  7. Love the pictures of Ellie as always! She wears that pink dress well.

  8. All world domination should be done while wearing pink.

  9. I'm so glad you linked up!! :) Hope to see you back this week!


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