Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Babies, don't try this at home.

After dinner, Matt and I decided to go for a walk.  He went upstairs to change, and I went out back to water the flowers.  Matt left Ellie lying nicely on her play mat.

I came back inside and heard Ellie crying.  Matt was upstairs, so I went to investigate. 

But I had a problem. I lost the baby. 

No baby in her swing.  No baby on the play mat. 

And then, I found the baby, under the coffee table, of course!  Either Ellie was playing hide and seek, or she's getting way too good at rolling.

"Matt, get downstairs NOW!"

"Is Ellie okay?"

"Yes, but hurry!"

When Matt got downstairs, he started laughing, and I had trouble recovering from my own laughter to take a picture and then pull Ellie out from under the coffee table. 

(Mommy, how did I get here?)

Happy rolling.
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  1. hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! oh man, that's cute

  2. Hahahaha, love how getting our cameras to capture the moment takes precedence over our kids' discomfort. LOL - we all do it!

    Way to go Ellie!

  3. How cute! And yes, getting the camera to capture the moment is always more important than helping them out (barring any life threatening circumstances of course =))


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