Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Heart Faces - Pets

We do not have any pets.  Our fish didn't last long.  (Rest in peace, Swimmy.)  We plan on eventually buying a lab and naming him "Phidippides," or "Dippy" for short.  Normally, we're content with not having any pets, but this week, we decided we want a chinchilla.

I Heart Faces is featuring pets this week.  Fortunately, they aren't picky and allow any animal.  Looking through old photos, I remembered a great animal encounter.  Matt and I went to California to visit family and friends, where we met Mr. Pelican.  Not being a brave individual (my regular readers may recall an incident with some geese), I took a photo and then ran away.

Enjoy!  And for more pet/animal photos, check out I Heart Faces.   

(Pelican in California.)

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  1. beautiful! i love the scenery behind the pelican, gorgeous shot!

  2. Oh wow! So cool, great picture!


  3. A beautiful silhouette! I have enjoyed taking bird photos on vacations too! The sky is lovely behind him...

  4. Great photo!

    I don't have pets either! I still love to take photos of animals though.

  5. A handsome creature amidst a beautiful setting... perfect!


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