Wednesday, October 22, 2014

{31 for 21} Quotable.

Recent winners:

Overheard - Matt to Ellie "Why are you drawing on the table in the leftover milk with your hair?"

Ellie was sobbing on the couch. "Honey, you look so sad. What do you need? What can I give you?" Through her tears she managed to answer, "Some chocolate."

"Ellie where are your listening ears?"
"At school!"

I prayed so hard for her to talk….

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  1. These quotes are awesome! I really need to write down the weird things my kids say. lol

  2. Haha! Her language and humor is amazing!

  3. Haha! Her language and humor are amazing!

  4. Oh my gosh. Love her. Love her. LOVE HER!


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